02 Feb. 2022 5 min read
A baby koala has been born at Longleat, UK. The joey is the first ever southern koala to have been born in Europe and represents the culmination of a fantastic partnership between Koala Life and Longleat.
The birth of the joey is a major milestone for Longleat's koala colony and will help to better develop and understand captive breeding methodology and animal husbandry. In addition, Longleat now has a group of healthy animals free of debilitating diseases including chlamydia and koala retrovirus (KoRV). This growing group will help us understand how to keep sanctuary populations healthy as well as provide important information about the effects of these diseases.
The beautiful joey was born last year at Koala Creek, Longleat's purpose built koala enclosure. Koala joeys are born blind and hairless and about the same size as a jellybean. Within minutes of birth they are able to find their way into their mother’s pouch. This beautiful joey has spent six months in the pouch of its mother Violet, and is now beginning to emerge and explore the world.
This joey represents a small, but vital step in the process to secure the long-term survival of the koala. It is a major achievement and our congratulations to the team at Longleat Safari Park. You can read more about Koala Creek and Longleat here.
Koala Life's purpose is to secure the survival of the koala. Donate now at koalalife.asn.au/donate